The Masterpiece Image Consulting presents


My name is Sonja! I am a 34 year old Image consultant, identity coach and Psych-K facilitator.

I believe that if you find your true-identity and change the beliefs around who you are and what you think about yourself, it will change your life completely!

I am on a mission to teach hundreds of women the same skills I used to change my life from the inside out.

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 "You are God's Masterpiece" Eph 2:10

Are you ready for more? Have you always felt overlooked, judged, not worthy or good enough and simply just inferior?


You need more Confidence, more Self-Belief, more joy, more peace and freedom. 

It is time to step into the best chapter of your life. It is time to take back your power and become who you were intended to be. You know you need to make changes, but you just don’t know how to get there. All throughout your life you have always heard this one lie: I am not good enough.


I want to tell you today, that this is so far from the truth!

You need to start believing you deserve more, you are MORE than good enough, and that you have the power to change it all. I want to tell you today, that God has not intended for you to feel inferior, undesired, and worthless.


Here is how you can do it!!

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Find your true Identity


Identity is the one thing that people lack in this world. This course was designed to help you find your way back to your true identity.


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Confidently Petite


Your roadmap to successfully rebuild your confidence and become BOLDER!


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Book a one-on-one success session.


Whether you are struggling with identity issue on the inside or image issues on the outside, I am here to offer you a one-on-one consultation to help you straighten these out.


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Book your seat to our next workshop here.

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This is my story!


I am a short petite girl, who grew up in an environment where we never had abundance, we never had a lot of money going around, and my parents lacked the skills to teach us confidence in ourselves. I always felt inferior to other children, because of the way I looked, the way I was built, what was going on at home and so much more. I always felt like I needed to be more, look different, be prettier, have more.

I spent my entire adult life embarking on a journey to equip myself with the skills and knowledge I needed to become the best version of myself. I learned what it took to look beautiful on the outside, but soon realized that I needed inner healing as well. 

Today, I feel confident, independent, secure and loved and I want to share all the tools and lessons I learned with you on this amazing journey. I want to help you find your true identity, in order for you to become COURAGEOUS from the inside out.


 "She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her." Prov 3:15

Testimonials from clients 


Nadia Zara

"Ek kan nie genoeg dankie se nie. Ek kry so baie komplimente, en ek het lanklaas so mooi gevoel. Ek weet nie hoe om dankie te se nie. My man hou nie op om vir my te se hoe sexy en mooi ek lyk nie. Ek kyk ook nou twee keer in my kas voor ek aantrek."

Caroline Smit

"Hi Sonja. Where do I start...Thank you so much for coming and doing a wardrobe detox for me. I used to dread getting dressed in the morning a I never knew what to wear. 

Now my cupboard is so nicely organized and I can actually see all of my clothes. I cannot believe what a difference it makes being able to see everything you have. You also gave me so many new options by mixing and matching what I had. Pieces I never thought of wearing together but now look so stunning.

Thank you, you have made my mornings a pleasure. I would highly recommend you to everyone."

Hannetjie Holtzhausen

Ek het Sonja geskakel na aanleiding van n advertensie op Facebook. My man is 4 jaar terug oorlede, en ek het gedink dit is my kans om myself te "vernuwe" vir my pad vorentoe. Ek het Sonja Eloff geskakel en n afspraak gemaak.

So het ek die slapies afgetel tot wanneer sy opdaag! Ons het soveel pret tydens die sessie gehad dat ons dit verleng het. Sy het my soveel moontlikhede gegee met my bestaande klerekas en bykomstighede dat ek weer nuwe moed gekry het om elke dag aan te trek. My kollegas kyk elke dag wat ek aanhet en watter kleure en bykomstighede ek kombineer. Ek kry daagliks komplimente.

Na ons sessie het die liewe Sonja vir my n pragtige epos gestuur wat my weer spesiaal en bemagtigend laat voel. N mens voel eerder soos n vriendin as n klient in haar teenwoordigheid."

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